Buyer's Journey Customer Interviews

Following yesterday's post, there are four types of Customer Interviews. 

  1. Buyer Journey
  2. Churn/Win Back
  3. User Interviews
  4. Brand / Perception

Today, we'll do a rundown on B2B "Buyer's Journey" Customer Interviews.

When to do Buyer's Journey Customer Interviews? 

  • When you don't have enough leads
  • When your cost-per-lead is too high
  • When you have a low response rate
  • When you want to grow market share within a specific customer segment, industry, or vertical

How often to do Buyer's Journey Customer Interviews?

  • Every six months
  • Ongoing

Who is the target audience for Buyer's Journey Customer Interviews?

  • Person(s) who makes the buying decision
  • Person(s) involved in the buying process

What you're trying to understand with Buyer's Journey Customer Interviews?

  • How and why your customers buy.

My closing thoughts on Buyer's Journey Customer Interviews: 

Do them.  They improve your understanding of how and why your customers buy.  You can use this knowledge to level up how and where you market to them for better results. 

If you have questions related to B2B Buyer's Journey Customer Interviews, let me know.

Wanna learn more about Customer Interviews? Check out these posts:

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