Churn/Win Back Customer Interviews

Continuing with the series on the types of Customer Interviews, today's we're going to focus on Churn/Win Back Customer Interviews.

When to do them? 

  • When your customer churn rate is too high
  • When you're losing customers, and don't really know why

How often to do them?

  • Every six months
  • Ongoing

Who is the target audience?

  • Ex-customers

What you're trying to understand?

  • Why customers leave

Sample questions:

  • "What did you expect from our product, and what did you experience?"
  • "What happened that led you to consider choosing another solution?"

My closing thoughts on Churn/Win Back Customer Interviews:

Churn/Win Back Customer Interviews are commonly conducted via survey, but if you want a better understanding of why your previous customers leave and where they go, I highly recommend 1:1 interviews. You'll get deeper insights into the gaps in your current sales process, marketing messaging, and product offering.

If you have questions about Churn/Win Back Customer Interviews, let me know.


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