Why Using Insider Language Accelerates Sales

Yesterday, I shared how focusing your business on a vertical market results in a better product or service.

Here's another benefit of focusing your business on a vertical market:

Insider Language Removes Friction From The Buying Process

Here's an example to help illustrate what I mean:

Do you know what an FDD is? Or how about a NAF? Or an LMP?

Chances are, if you're not from the franchise industry, you'll have no idea what they are. Yet, every day people in the franchise industry use these terms.

If you were trying to sell your product or service to a franchise business and they happened to ask you something like: "Does this get funded by the NAF?" your response will immediately confirm you're either an insider or an outsider in their world.

So, how does all this relate to growing your business?

While learning your buyer's lingo isn't necessarily a groundbreaking idea, the reason it's important is vertical buyers care deeply about whether you can solve their specific problem, not a generic version of their problem. 

Using your buyer's insider language communicates you understand them and their specific problem.

And your buyers care a lot about working with people who truly understand them. 

They want to work with insiders like them.


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