Competitive Advantages: Focus Drives Familiarity

My clients want to get a competitive edge, unlock sales and multiply customer loyalty.

I teach them the Focus Vertical Strategy.

A Focus Vertical Strategy narrows their target market to only their best-fit customers within a specific vertical market.

Today, I'd like to share an important and practical benefit of focusing your business on a vertical market:

Focus Drives Familiarity

When you focus your time and energy on a particular customer within a specific vertical over an extended period of time, you begin to notice details about your buyer that you would otherwise miss.

These subtle details improve your product or service and make a more meaningful impact on your vertical customer.

Which you can do because you're only focused on them. 

The result? 

You deliver exceptional value.

Over time, this turns into deep customer loyalty and generates positive word of mouth.

And that is something your competitors won't be able to overcome.

Questions to ponder:

👉 Do we serve only one or many verticals?

👉 How does that help or hurt our ability to provide exceptional customer value?

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