Vertical Finder 
Strategy Session

A data-driven approach to choosing and sharpening your target market focus.

Does any of this sound familiar?

😰You know you need to focus your agency vertically, but the idea of narrowing your focus scares you to the bone.
🤔You have a few vertical markets that you could focus on, but aren’t sure which one is right for you… or how to decide.
😞You’ve dabbled with niching down, but haven’t gotten the results you were hoping for. (Perhaps because you only “skimmed the surface.”)

Are you interested in…

👨🏽‍🔬Taking a methodical, data-driven approach to choosing a focus vertical?
🔦Getting clarity on which verticals are truly worth pursuing… and which ones are just a waste of time and resources?
🏆Confidently choosing a vertical market you know will be the right fit for you?


Then you’d be a perfect fit for a Vertical Focus Finder Strategy Session with me!

The Vertical Focus Finder Strategy Session is a hands-on 60-minute workshop where I personally walk you through the Focus Finder Decision Matrix in order to discover your ideal vertical market!

Schedule Your Strategy Session

Here's how it works

Upon signing up, you’ll receive instructions and materials to help you prep for our workshop so you get the most out of it, including:

  • A four-page guide on choosing the right vertical market for your agency
  • What client data to bring to the live strategy session
  • A request to send me three potential vertical markets that interest you

After the call, you’ll get:

  • Your own Focus Finder Decision Matrix to use going forward
  • Access to my private Focus Finder Slack room, an online community where you can ask follow-up questions and get support from me and the group.
  • Video recording of our strategy session

Investment: $1,000

Schedule Your Strategy Session


The best part is realizing the sports team market is likely too small and that we don't like the restaurant vertical.

I think learning that we can give ourselves the freedom to really niche down and just focus on one vertical heavily was really enlightening.

I learned that a couple of niches are not a fit for us... extremely valuable insights…

It was super enlightening and really opened our eyes to how we should think about our vertical focus.

The workshop was very beneficial — thank you again! 🙏

The workshop was tremendously helpful.

Schedule Your Strategy Session


Schedule Your Strategy Session