Your Buyer's Hero's Journey

Here's a useful principle when positioning your B2B business:

👉 Your customer is the hero, and you are the guide.

I learned this from Donald Miller's 'Building a StoryBrand' (a book I've gifted 15+ times)

Here's what it means:

Your buyer can be a founder, head of HR, CTO, head of demand gen, or a VP of sales.

Whoever they are, they're on their own hero's journey (think: Luke Skywalker).

On their journey, they have challenges (that you can help with).

Our job is to guide them to get them what they want. (think: Yoda)

As their expert guide, we become a trusted resource to help them overcome challenges.

A sneaky trap both I and others have fallen into is positioning our product/solution is the hero.

The problem with this is the best stories don't have two different heroes.

There is only one hero that matters.

And that one hero is your buyer.

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