Win/Loss Surveys

What's a well-known but seldom-done tactic to close more sales?

Win/loss surveys.

Here's how they work:

3 days after a deal has closed lost, send them a survey asking why they didn't choose you.

Do this 5-10 times, and you'll see patterns in the responses.

Codify the patterns into insights.

Use the insights to make changes to your sales process.

Those changes will result in more closed won deals.


Pro-tip 👉 don't do this once in a while. Instead, automate sending closed lost surveys as a part of your post-sales process. Why? You'll have an ongoing stream of valuable feedback you can use to improve your sales process.

Pro-tip 👉 don't just send surveys to closed lost deals. Send them to closed won deals too, so you can understand why your customers are choosing you over the competition.

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