Why Vertically-Focused Agencies Are Better

Vertically-focused agencies are preferred over generalist agencies.


Because buyers with expensive problems want to work with specialists.

Experts who can solve their specific problem, not a generic version of their problem. 

Let's say you're the country Costa Rica and tourism is down 15% in the last two years.  

Which agency is more likely to solve your problem?

Agency 1: "We're a positioning expert for brands"

Agency 2: "We're a positioning expert for travel destinations."

Here's the thing:

The more uniquely skilled and experienced you are in solving an expensive problem for a specific buyer, the more value you can offer them.


Questions to ponder:

👉 Are we solving a generic problem for businesses of all shapes and sizes? Or are we specialists in a vertical market?

👉 What could we do to narrow our target audience further?

Have a great day!


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