The Practical Value of Client Empathy

What are the benefits of taking an empathy-centered approach with your clients?

Here are a few:


By caring for your clients, you are doing emotional labor that categorically sets you apart from many or most of your competitors.

Improved Communication

Clients who feel you care will communicate with you more often, especially when things aren’t going well.

Stronger Relationships

Clients who trust you have their best interests in mind will micro-manage and second-guess you less often.

Grace Under Fire

With any long-term client relationship, there will be periods when things don’t go 100% to plan. They’re more likely to treat you with grace and forgiveness when things go wrong.

Word of Mouth

When you exceed your clients’ rational and emotional expectations, they’re more likely to refer you to others in the Focus Vertical

What else?

Have a great day!


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