Stakeholder Management

Drowning in stakeholder management?

In my last in-house role as CMO at a 1,000 person company, my team and I worked across departments (sales, product, client success).

Honestly, I never had a good method for keeping stakeholders updated.

That is until I learned the "Stakeholder Management" 3-step model from Pragmatic Institute.

Here it is. 👇

Step 1: Identify the stakeholders

Definition: Stakeholders are individuals who are affected by the project.

At my company, these were mostly executives, the sales team, and business unit leaders. They may be different for you.

Step 2: Map the stakeholders according to their influence and importance (see 2 x 2 below)

Step 3: Communicate with stakeholders. Use the appropriate channel and frequency, based on their influence x importance

The result: better communication, happier stakeholders, with less chaos.

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