Is Being a Generalist Harming Your Growth?

Why is being a generalist harming your growth?

Here are 4 reasons:

  1. Resource allocation challenges: As the number of clients grows, so does the complexity of meeting their needs.
  2. Communication challenges: Different clients may have different needs, timelines, and communication preferences.
  3. Quality control: Different clients have different standards and expectations. Ensuring that every deliverable meets your quality standards can be compromised.
  4. Data management challenges: managing and analyzing data becomes overly complex.

If you want to scale, you need to systematize your business.

The most systematized businesses are specialists, focusing on target vertical market.

Questions to ponder:

1️⃣ Where in my business can we build systems?

2️⃣ Where in my business are we inefficient?

Have a great day!


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