How to hit the mark with your messaging and offers

Do all the companies within your target vertical care about solving the same things?


Not to over-simplify this...but let's take plumbers as an example.


Segment 1: Single truck plumbers with 1-2 employees

Typical Problems: Ineffective lead gen and poor intake process


Segment 2: Multi-truck plumbing companies

Typical Problems: Inadequate leadership, lack of systems, employee turnover


Segment 3: Multi-location plumbing companies

Typical Problems: Lack of data and analytics, disconnected systems, cash flow challenges


Here's the thing:

If you're pitching a Segment 3 plumber with coaching for their intake process (a Segment 1 problem), you'll be missing the mark.

Instead, map your positioning, messaging, and offer to the problems your buyers care about.


Question to ponder:

👉 Are we mapping our messaging and offer to the right target segments?


Have a great day!


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