Gift-based outbound lesson: Quality over Quantity

Today, I hosted a gift-based outbound workshop for a group of agency owners.

Here's the first learning objective we covered:

👉 To succeed with gift-based outbound, you need to prioritize quality over quantity.

The default playbook for traditional outbound is like what author Aaron Ross calls "Net Fishing"

  • Huge list
  • Go broad
  • Cast a wide net and see what comes in

Gift-Based Outbound is more like "Spear Fishing"

  • Small list
  • Go narrow
  • Only target your highest-value prospects

Here's the thing...

Gift-based Outbound works because it is laser-focused on building relationships with your future best-fit clients. 


PS Interested in Gift-Based Outbound to grow your agency, but don't know how to do it? Hit reply and say "Yes," and I'll notify you when the next workshop is coming up.

PPS The feedback from today's workshop: 10 out of 10

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