Focus Drives Familiarity

When you focus a lot of time and energy on a particular customer segment or niche, you begin to notice something that you wouldn’t otherwise have:

Subtle but important nuances.

Not just any nuances but slight differences that truly make a difference.

For example, if you sell lead-gen services to plumbers for a long enough time, you’ll learn that out of the 25 jobs they can do for a residential customer, they really want ‘re-piping’ jobs.

These are jobs where they’re called in to install a whole new set of pipes across an entire house. Plumbers love these jobs because they’re high-margin and don’t require clearing out poop lines. :)

But the point is that you’d never know that plumbers love these jobs unless you spent a good deal of time and energy servicing them, speaking to them, and learning what jobs they prefer.

Imagine that instead of focusing on plumbers, you focused your lead gen business more broadly on small businesses.

This would include plumbers, dentists, attorneys, pool cleaners, bakeries, landscapers, auto dealerships, accountants, graphic designers, restaurants, and so on.

What are the chances you’d ever notice that plumbers want re-piping jobs?


Why does this matter?

If plumbers know that you can reliably get them re-piping jobs, you’ll have a long waiting list of plumbers wanting to do business with you.

But first, you need to notice the difference that makes a difference.

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