The Secret To Long Term Success

"The successful agencies of the future will be those that integrate technological excellence with profoundly human qualities: combining efficacy with empathy"

- Jim Carroll, Ex-Chairman BBH

Your long-term success depends on your ability to empathize with the people you serve.


Serving a vertical market is more like running a marathon than a sprint. Like any long-distance run or business venture, there will be highs and lows. 

There will be periods when their industry is expanding and periods when it is contracting. There will be times when everything is great and times when nothing seems to go well.

When times get bad, you'll need something other than cold, hard financial transactions to weather the lows.

In fact, their lows give you the opportunity to provide above-and-beyond value to your clients--when they need you the most.

Here's the thing...

You spend significant time with your clients over the years.

If you treat your clients like financial transactions, they'll treat you the same.

Instead, choose a vertical market that you actually care about. 

Choose the people.


Have a great weekend!!


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